Crazy: The Demo Sessions
Willie Nelson

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Folk, World, & Country (Country)Pris:
,⁃Willie Nelson
Crazy: The Demo Sessions
Automatisk søgning: Vi har gjort vores bedste for at vælge den rigtige version, men der kan jo ske fejl ;-)Credits
Gina Binkley
Edited By [Additional, Airshow]
David Glasser
Edited By [Additional, Georgetown]
Carlos Grier
Edited By [Digitally], Other [Restoration]
Buddy Miller
Film Producer
Steve Fishell
Liner Notes
Steve Fishell
Mastered By
Denny Purcell
Photography [Book Back]
Les Leverett
Photography [Front Cover]
Ed Rode
Photography [Page 5]
Willie Nelson
Photography [Tootsie's]
Steve Fishell
Steve Fishell
Producer [Additional Assisance On Original Sessions]
Hank Cochran
Producer [Original Sessions]
Willie Nelson