Crisis? What Crisis?

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Crisis? What Crisis?
Automatisk søgning: Vi har gjort vores bedste for at vælge den rigtige version, men der kan jo ske fejl ;-)Credits
Arranged By [The Orchestra And Choir Were Arranged By]
Richard Hewson
Dougie Thomson
Design Concept [The Album Was Designed From An Idea By], Vocals, Keyboards
Rick Davies
Design [The Album Was Designed By]
Dick Ward, Fabio Nicoli, Paul Wakefield
Drums, Percussion
Bob C. Benberg
Producer, Recorded By [Recorded With]
Ken Scott
Recorded By [At Ramport Studios Assisted By]
John Jansen, Will Reid-Dick
Recorded By [At The A&M Studios In Los Angeles Assisted By]
Ed Thacker
Vocals, Guitar, Keyboards
Roger Hodgson
Wind [Wind Instruments], Vocals
John Helliwell
Rick Davies & Roger Hodgson